Sunday, October 5, 2008

Jon and Kate in People Magazine

Jon and Kate are featured in this weeks People Magazine.
October 13, 2008  with Paul Newman on the cover.

There are wonderful little stories in this article, but the
main one is that Jon and Kate are planning on adopting
a Korean Baby Girl..  :^D   I don't know how far along they
are on the adoption process, but I for one am excited for
them.  Of course I think they are a tad bit crazy.... lol .....
you would think that 8 kids is enough, but I do understand
that they would love to see what it is like to have just one
baby without he/she being a multiple.  I also think it would
be fun to watch the other kids being big brothers and big
sisters to a new baby.

One paragraph in the article that I thought was really good 
was this...

Kate says.... It does bother me about the online criticism.
Sometimes they get real personal and cruel. I'm not mean 
and horrible and ugly.  We work hard all day, every day.  I'm
sorry if it's grouchy and we're yelling and complaining, but
that's life....

You go Girl... I totally agree with you Kate ...  It bothers me too
when I see all this negative crap about Kate on the internet. I
have stopped going to sites where people are judging her so
harshly.  First of all, we aren't there in their house, or in their
neighborhood or in their town. We are only fans of the show
and enjoy watching them.  But I do believe that there have been
people who have been watching the show that have turned against
Kate in the last few years and I think they are way off base.  They 
are reading all the crap on the internet and buying into it.  Then
they sit at home in their comfy chair or couch and watch the
show and judge Jon and Kate on their parenting style and their
relationship.  All I can say is  " HOW DARE YOU "  :^(

Being a mother of two grown sons  and having two brothers who
weren't the best fathers and seeing many families going through
terrible divorces and alcoholism, over bearing fathers, mothers
who would rather work than be mothers ( this has nothing to do
with mom's that have to work )  and I have heard of many mothers
that even walk out on their husbands and kids.  Jon and Kate
love their children and each other and I think they are doing a
great job.

So that is where I have to say to any one who has the nerve to say
that Kate is not a good mother or than Jon is a Wus, that maybe
you should put a video camera on yourself for a few days and let
us watch you and your husband and your kids and let us see how
you do and then let us judge you... None of us is perfect. We are not
June Cleavers  (  tv show ~  Leave it to Beaver  )

I have a feeling that any of you reading this, really are not the ones
judging Jon and Kate, but actually love them and think they are
a great couple.  They need to know ( which they probably do )
that they have a lot more fans than haters.  The haters are most
likely sad and lonely people with very dysfunctional lives and
have nothing better to do than to trash other people.

Anyway, I just loved this article in People Magazine and learned 
more great things about the family.  If you have the magazine, I
would love to hear what you thought about this article...

Hugs, Laura


david santos said...

Great posting!!!
Have a nice day.

Quiltart said...

Hi, Laura,
I always look forward to reading your posts on this website! I couldn't agree with you more!

I, too, am an older mother. We've been empty nesters for almost 15 years... I have worked in the online world since the early 1990's -- pre internet-- and can't get over the way that some people "speak" to other people online! The absolute
hate and venom that spews forth in some of these posts about Jon and Kate sometime leave me shaking my head and wondering how someone can have to much hatred for someone they don't even know.

Many times I've had to ask people on the large listserve I manage to think about what they write and ask themselves that if they were to meet this person face to face if they would say the same thing. 9 times out of 10, I think the answer would be NO! Somehow, people
tend to think because they can hide behind the anonymity of the internet, that they are open to say anything and everything they want without regard to how much it might hurt the people they are writing about. It did not surprise me that Kate mentioned how much some of these blogs hurt her...

Yes, I am a fan of the show, but I know that Jon and Kate are not perfect... who is? I honesting feel that Jon and Kate have done NOTHING to deserve the amount of hatred and vitriolic criticism that has been shown in blogland lately... And for those who say they are not jealous... think again, because the jealousy and immaturity of many is the first thing one notices in their posts.

I will understand if you don't want to post my comment, but it's something I have been thinking about for quite a while and I wanted to get it off my chest!

Anne said...
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HayLaura said...

Thanks David... I appreciate you stopping by...


I love your comment. It is so nice to see that
I am not the only one who feels this way.
I think it is important that people who love
Jon and Kate Pllus 8 stand up to the bullies
and let them know that their comments are
not acceptable. Can you even imagine
people like that being parents. They are
so judgmental that it has to rub off on
their kids. :^(

Anyway, thank you so much for posting.
I am new at, but I do have
a fan page on MySpace that is very
friendly and popular. I would love for you
to check it out.

fancastfan said...

Hi, we are big fans of Jon and Kate Plus 8 at too, and thought your readers might like to know that if they want to catch up on some classic episodes, or just see what all the fuss is about, beginning on Monday, 11/10 we will be putting up some special episodes, all totally free of course - we will have 6 shows (5 are the most popular shows throughout the seasons and 1 is from the current season where Jon and Kate renew their wedding vows). We react to fan feedback, so if it's something you guys like, please let us know!
Jim (for Fancast)

HayLaura said...

Everyone who loved me last year for my posts will not love me now.... I am so over Kate and what she is doing to her 8 beautiful kids. I just want her to walk away from the show and be a mother to her kids.
She is letting all this Fame and Money go to her head.
It makes me very sad