Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jon and Kate: Enough is Enough

Current mood:  angry

Ok, this is just getting out of hand. You can't turn
on any Entertainment show or go to the store
without seeing Jon and Kate on the cover of at 
least 2 or 3 magazines....

Now it is reported that Jon hasn't lived at home
for 6 months and he only shows up for filming
days. They have Child Protective Services investigating
the family and what kindof damage is this doing
to the kids by continuing this show.

How much money do Jon and Kate have to make to
stop doing this show. Correct me if I am wrong,
but I have heard/read that Kate signed on for 2 more
years and this season has 40 episodes at $ 75,000
or more. Add on money from her book sales, speaking
engagements and whatever else she is selling.

Remember this is a woman who grew up very poor
and now it just seems to be ALL ABOUT THE MONEY.
She is making millions of dollars a year and at this
point she is not looking like she will be getting 
" The Mom Of The Year Award "

I was watching a clip of Kate preparing for an interview
with the kids and Mady said she was thirsty and Kate
had a bottle of water and opened it up in front of Mady
and took a drink and closed it up and put it away. What
Mom does that. This isn't made up, I saw it with my own
two eyes.  

I am hearing More People saying Take the Show off the Air,
but the only person who can really make that happen is 
Kate....  To me it is only takes common sense to do the
right thing in this situation. Why can't Kate tell TLC that
they need to take a break.  Why can't they do 4  one hour
specials for $ 100,000 per show... That is $ 400,000...
Isn't that enough for them to live off of..

Some people might tell me to stop watching the show and
to stop writing about Jon and Kate, but now I am just angry
enough to keep following this story until someone steps
in to save these kids from this trainwreck that their parents

What is wrong with our society today with all the nastiness and 
meanness of people on all of these Reality TV shows...   What is
this teaching our children ?  When it comes right down to it, I think it is
important for us to keep talking
about Jon and Kate until they take their show off the air.  
I really  
believe this show has turned Kate into a Monster and 
when people go to her book signings they are seeing a Fake Kate...
 She loves that so many people love her and the kids and the show
but she loves the fame and the money more. At first she thought
this was a good way to share her family with us and have all these
videos of her kids growing up, but now look what her kids are going
to see when they get older. They are going to see themselves crying
and their mom being mean and accusations of their dad with a 23
year old school teacher and mom with the body guard. Raise your
hand if you would want to trade your life with The Gosselin Family.
Can you imagine what all their relatives are saying. Kate alienated
all of them and now they are all saying to Jon " I TOLD YOU SO "

I have bought both of Kate's 
books and the first 3 seasons of their 
show and I am done giving them my money.  I subscribe to People 
and US magazine and it seems the last 
3 weeks Jon and Kate are on 
the cover.  What bothers me the most is that TLC is allowing all of
this to be on their station. It is like " hey look at this family falling
apart "  " isn't this great TV "  :^(     Don't these people have a
heart ?  Don't they have a family and children ? To me, these people
are insensitive people with No Conscience and I think this is the
reason why I keep talking about this... We the viewers need to let
them know that Yes we are upset with what Jon and Kate have
been doing, but we are just as Upset with them for thinking it is
ok to put this on their station and to do this to these beautiful
children.... How dare you TLC.....  How Dare YOU !!!!!

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