Friday, August 1, 2008

The controversy of Jon and Kate Plus 8

Why is it that Jon and Kate are getting so much bad press after being on a Successful show for the last few years ?  Are people jealous, mean or just have nothing better to do than to find the flaws in them instead of the positives.  It surprises me how controversial this has become in the last few weeks.  I don't look at Jon and Kate as celebrities, but with all the trash talking it reminds me of what real celebrities go through all the time.  The paparazzi are out of control and actually hurt people with trying to get a picture just for a story.  Now with all of the Reality TV we have on and I have to admit I watch a lot of it ... I can see how it is changing the way people behave on TV and We as the viewers judge them.  :^(

Instead of sitting in front of your TV judging these people, why don't you take the time to learn from them. We might not always agree with their behavior, but we might just see a little of ourselves in them.  I myself would rather watch Jon and Kate Plus 8 than to watch Jerry Springer, Divorce Court, Flavor of Love, JackAss or Wife Swap. The list goes on and on.... I don't watch those shows, but I don't feel the need to come on the internet and trash the people who are participating in them.

I just hope that Jon and Kate will not take the time to read all of the negative stuff people write on here. They are fine the way they are and if they feel they have problems with their marriage or anything else, they will work on them.  They don't need people on the internet to point it out to them.  We don't see what they act like 24/7.  This is a TV Show that is taped for hours at a time and then cut and spliced the way the producers want it to be.  Don't spend the whole time watching it and picking it apart.  If you are doing this, then you obviously aren't a very happy person .  On the other hand if you are watching it like I am and smiling and laughing  and enjoying the banter back and forth and the kids playing and interacting with each other, then you are like millions of others who LOVE the show.

I hope we will get to see many more episodes of Jon and Kate Plus 8 and if it gets to be too much for them, maybe they will do a few specials through the years.  I wrote this blog for all of the supporters of the show... So if you aren't one of them, please be on your way and get a life.  :^D


tinkerbell656 said...

I absolutely love this show and the people that do criticize them can get off it. They may argue but really people what NORMAL marriage doesn't have argueing. The only difference is they are broadcasted for you to ENJOY! Plus I do have to say their 8 kids are better behaved than most of the kids in America so take some of their pointers with you!

The Travel Mom said...

I love this show and I'm deeply concerned with those that have taken it upon themselves to parent children that are not theirs. To tell us what we should or should not watch. Feeling that they have the right to comment on a family who's only crime was to put themselves on TV to rip apart. I hope that it continues to stay on to give us the joy it has over the year.

The Lenz's said...

I agee I LOVE this show and will be so upset if they cancel it. I hope they don't read into what people say, some people can be so cruel and only want to pick apart people. I love laughing with them and watching the kids, and it makes me feel better about myself and the Mom that I am!I am a HUGE FAN of the show and will always support Jon and Kate!!!!

FoxyTwinmom said...

I feel like I know these kids as if they lived next door!
LUV this show!
I , myself, have had comments as to the amount of children I have, with people raising their eyebrows.
I have five from first marriage and then my second marriage surprise was TWIN BOYS!
What a NICE surprise, too!
I don't know why people are being so cruel to Jon & Kate. I support them totally and certainly hope their show continues on the air for many, many more seasons!

HayLaura said...

I have read a number of blogs and blog comments that are complaining about Jon and Kate and I have to say most of them are making me laugh now. The people that are writing this appear to sit in front of their TV with pen and paper just to find all the negatives of the show and not any of the positives.
On the Sesame Place show, this one lady ( Serena ) practically wrote a book. It is shocking that anyone would want to sit and critique a show that they don't like. If I don't like a show, I turn the channel. I actually can relate though, because a couple years ago I was watching Big Brother 8 and was so appalled by someone's behavior on their, I started blogging about them.... I was so angry that CBS would allow someone like this on their show. I realized after the season ended, that it didn't really matter what I thought. This person wasn't going to change and CBS got the ratings it wanted. But I showed Big Brother... lol .... I didn't watch the next season of BB9 and you know what.... I felt better... I got the anger out of me and realized that People are People... and we can't change them. I might not agree with some of the things Jon and Kate do, but they probably wouldn't agree with some of the things WE do... I watch their show, because I find it very entertaining. So to anyone who doesn't like it... please turn the channel... It's not healthy to be that obsessed with people on TV and it's not healthy for your marriage or your children to see you that way.
Spend your time doing some volunteer work and make a difference in the world.... Spewing your hatred for Jon and Kate isn't going to make you a better person. :^)

HayLaura said...


I totally agree. I watch a lot of reality shows
with young people on them and I have to
say that the Gosselin kids are very well
behaved. Sure they have their moments,
but don't we all.

Baby Mama,

You have done a great job on your blog. I am
so glad that we both appreciate the great
job Jon and Kate are doing with raising their
kids and keeping it real... :^D


I have read the latest articles in People
Magazine and Good Housekeeping and
so far it sounds like Jon and Kate aren't
going anywhere. :^) Even though
Kate expresses that it does hurt when
these crazy people critisize her, she
is a tough lady and can see that they
have a lot more fans than haters...
Lucky for us, because now it looks like
we will get at least another year to
watch these beautiful kids growing up.

Thanks to all of you who have left comments.

Sorry for the late response...

Hugs, Laura

Carol B said...

Thank you for your supportive blog, Laura. I just came from a hate group (it's supposed to be for fans and critics but the critics run the show and bully everyone else). I think J&K have created a lot of jealousy and ill will because of their material success (if they were doing the show pro bono most of the criticism would disappear). I only have two kids and get stressed a lot; I can't even imagine having 8 kids under 8 years old. I think they are very good parents under the circumstances and the kids all seem happy, bright and are really well behaved for their ages. My daughters and I love watching the show and have many friends who do as well.

patravers said...

I absolutely love Jon, Kate and their awesome bunch. If people have negative things to say about them, then they should just not watch! I too, am a nurse, and I too have a large family but not all the same ages!! I admire and respect Kate so much, she is very human, and very genuine. I am 55 yrs old, have 6 children, with only 1 left at home, and I absolutely love to watch J&K and their precious little ones each week. And ya know what? If they are getting free trips to Hawaii, or Utah, or wherever, and making some $$$ by sharing their lives with us, then GOOD FOR THEM! They are definitely not materialistic, and know what it is to struggle as well. So God bless them, and one of the greatest dreams of my life would be to meet them and spend an afternoon with Kate. And oh yeah, I want to go to Ireland someday too!

... said...

This is my favorite show and it sucks that now they are divorced and the show will probably end! I mean I wish they would just put down the cameras and look at how much they love each other because if it wasn't for the press and the paparazzi they would still be together!

Jon & Kate Plus eight fan club
I posted the link to the site where I watch all the episodes I miss if any one cares!

Anonymous said...

Why would anybody say it that way, you can easily get your point across in a polite and courteous way. Lets all just get a long.
wow gold